Services Offered » Women's Development » Find Your Courageous Voice

NEW! Find Your Courageous Voice LIVE online program

Are you a Female Business Owner who is..

Tired.. of not being heard in the business world?

Frustrated.. because you’re not enjoying the success you want to achieve?

Starting to second-guess yourself.. because you know you have value to off offer but have trouble attracting new clients to your business?


Trust me - I know you're not alone!

Every year, I meet countless women who want more ...

  • More success
  • More clients
  • More money
  • More enjoyment
  • To learn more
  • To grow more
  • To be more
  • To contribute more

What is NOT having these things costing you?

  • Increased stress and anxiety
  • Increased self-doubt and fear of failure
  • Increased unhappiness, frustration and exhaustion


  • decreased confidence and certainty about your future






I want to help you ...

and that’s why I’ve created a new and unique online Business Women’s Development program.

By participating in this fortnightly, three-month program, you will:

  • have clarity about how you might be in your own way – and know where to start making changes that will deliver the biggest benefits to you
  • learn specific, tangible strategies for increasing your confidence, extend your self-worth and strengthen your self-acceptance
  • gain techniques to control and reframe negative self-talk
  • develop skills to increase your assertiveness and to reduce your need for things to be ‘perfect’
  • acquire new approaches to deal with differences of opinion and negotiate for your outcomes much more effectively


Download the complete program details!

Click on the PDF to download all the details about the program:

  • Session times and frequency (starting August 11th!)
  • The Program Topics
  • What's included (as well as special bonuses!)

Courageous-Voice-flyerV2.pdf Courageous-Voice-flyerV2.pdf (529kB)



Want to discuss your registration?

I'd love to chat with you - just fill in your details when you click on 'act now' and I'll be in touch within 48 hours - that's a promise.

Thanks for your interest - and congratulations on having the courage to take this first step towards leading a more confident and rewarding life!

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    So this year, I decided to focus instead on what was new, different and intriguing. And that’s how I came across The Release Tree.

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