IndependenceYour Good-Enough List (A critical Sanity-Saving Tool)![]() I recently attended a three-day women’s festival that I attended for the first time in 2016. It’s never the same the second, third or umpteenth time around is it? First of all, there’s that ‘first time newness’ that we can only get once. “Wow! Look at that!” “Goodness, that’s amazing!” And so on … because we are seeing things through fresh, first-time eyes. In our subsequent visits, while we look for that same magic, but logically know it will be different than our beloved ‘first-time’. We then start to notice what’s not there that we liked the previous year(s), and lament “But I really liked that!” So this year, I decided to focus instead on what was new, different and intriguing. And that’s how I came across The Release Tree. ... read more( Posted in: Leadership )
Happy Independence Day!![]() OK ... so I'm thinking about indepedence today because I was born in the USA and spent the early years of my life there. And today is America's Independence Day - a national holiday where our break from England in 1776 is commemorated and celebrated. But it's a subject worthy of pondering ... How independent are you? ... read more( Posted in: Reflections & Inspirations )
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